Medical emergencies are unpredictable and can occur at any time or place. A medical emergency requires an adequate response to tackle the situation and save valuable lives. In case of any emergency situation, it is imperative to seek help from professional physicians. Our emergency department is capable of providing all necessary services to help you come out of the situation safely.
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, we advise you to rush to your nearest emergency room.
• Heavy bleeding due to any injury / Sports Injuries
• Sudden difficulty in breathing
• Intense pain in bones or muscles
• Unmanageable headache or migraine
• Unconsciousness
• Pigmentation or changes in skin colour / Skin allergy
• Back Pain and Sciatica
• Insect Bites and Stings
• Sinus Infections
• Concussions and Falls
• Seizures
• High Blood Pressure/Hypertension
• Blood Clots
• Abdominal Pain
• Heart attack/ Angina
Some of the most common urgent care procedures used by our specialists are X-rays for issues related to bones, stitches for cuts and wounds and ultrasound. We also cater to sprains, fractures and issues such as dehydration, digestive problems and infections. Our experienced staff and nurses are available at the Emergency department round the clock to help you come out of the situation.
Moreover, our specialist physicians are available or on call to provide you with urgent care at any time of the day or night.
Contact Us Now:
Express ER is enabled with all capabilities to address any type of illness, injury or any other medical emergency. Our services are equally benefiting for patients of all ages. We can take care of infants as well as elderly patients. Our patient-centered approach makes us one the best emergency service providers in town. If you are facing any medical emergency don’t forget to keep yourself calm and immediately call Express ER now.
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